Protecting Your Record From Felony Charges
While all criminal charges can carry penalties, felonies are the most serious classification of charges with severe repercussions. A felony conviction may lead to prison time and high fines, strip you of your right to bear arms and your right to vote. Each subsequent felony conviction is accompanied by increasingly harsh penalties. Gullberg Law, LLC has defended the accused since 1997. If you face criminal charges, you require a skilled lawyer to protect your future. Call our office at 309-734-1001 to schedule a free case evaluation with our team.
Developing Strong, Personalized Case Strategies
No two cases are the same, and Gullberg Law, LLC addresses each case on an individual basis. We carefully evaluate your situation and create a custom strategy to achieve the best possible results. Our lawyers prepare all cases as if they are going to trial. While some cases may be decided through negotiation, we have found that thorough preparation provides us with the best chances of success. We will closely partner with you to develop case goals and a strong defense. We strive to have your charges dismissed altogether or penalties reduced to the fullest extent of the law.
Continued Assistance Post-Conviction
If you are convicted of a felony and face jail time, our attorneys can continue to advocate on your behalf. Depending upon your circumstances, we can evaluate the possibility of:
- Appealing your conviction
- Pursuing probation or parole
- Expunging the conviction
In most cases, you will not be able to expunge a felony from your criminal record. Our knowledgeable attorneys will be able to discuss your options with you and provide you with the tools that you need to maximally improve your situation.
Contact Us For Aggressive Defense
If you face felony charges, call our aggressive defense attorneys at 309-734-1001 to schedule a free case consultation. You may also contact us online. We have experience defending against all types of criminal charges and have the necessary experience to capably protect your future.
Criminal Defense