Am I required to perform DUI tests if police ask?

If the police have never pulled you over on suspicion of drunk driving before, you may not know how you should react or behave if this happens. Everyone who is driving is liable to make some mistakes on the road that a police officer may misinterpret as a sign of driving while impaired. You may never actively … Continue reading Am I required to perform DUI tests if police ask?

When is it legal to use force against someone in Illinois?

While many violent actions against others are crimes, Illinois law allows the use of force in cases where someone is protecting themselves, another person or even their property — specifically their home. These are known as self-defense laws. Self-defense laws vary by state. So-called “stand your ground” laws have gotten a lot of media attention … Continue reading When is it legal to use force against someone in Illinois?

What factors determine your blood alcohol content (BAC)?

If you were arrested for DUI, you likely registered a blood alcohol content (BAC) of at least .08 percent on a Breathalyzer test administered by the officer who pulled you over. It’s illegal throughout the country to drive with a BAC at that level. You may not know, however, just what “blood alcohol content” refers … Continue reading What factors determine your blood alcohol content (BAC)?